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This function computes the maximum likelihood and the associated estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It then performs a bootstrap likelihood ratio test of the diversity-dependent (DD) model against the constant-rates (CR) birth-death model. Finally, it computes the power of this test.


  outputfilename = NULL,
  seed = 42,
  endmc = 1000,
  alpha = 0.05,
  plotit = TRUE,
  res = 10 * (1 + length(brts) + missnumspec),
  ddmodel = 1,
  cond = 1,
  btorph = 1,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 2000,
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  methode = "analytical"



A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized for the diversity-dependent (DD) model: lambda_0, mu and K


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized for the constant-rates (CR) model: lambda and mu


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


The name (and location) of the file where the output will be saved. Default is no save.


The seed for the pseudo random number generator for simulating the bootstrap data


The number of bootstraps


The significance level of the test


Boolean to plot results or not


Sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + length(brts)


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 5 : linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate


cond == 0 : conditioning on stem or crown age
cond == 1 : conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
cond == 2 : conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
cond == 3 : conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
Note: cond == 3 assumes a uniform prior on stem age, as is the standard in constant-rate birth-death models, see e.g. D. Aldous & L. Popovic 2004. Adv. Appl. Prob. 37: 1094-1115 and T. Stadler 2009. J. Theor. Biol. 261: 58-66.


Sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2)


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.



a list of trees generated under the constant-rates model using the ML parameters under the CR model


a list of trees generated under the diversity-dependent model using the ML parameters under the diversity-dependent model


a dataframe with the parameter estimates and maximum likelihoods for diversity-dependent and constant-rates models $model - the model used to generate the data. 0 = unknown (for real data), 1 = CR, 2 = DD
$mc - the simulation number for each model
$lambda_CR - speciation rate estimated under CR
$mu_CR - extinction rate estimated under CR
$LL_CR - maximum likelihood estimated under CR
$conv_CR - convergence code for likelihood optimization; conv = 0 means convergence
$lambda_DD1 - initial speciation rate estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$mu_DD1 - extinction rate estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$K_DD1 - clade-wide carrying-capacity estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$LL_DD1 - maximum likelihood estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$conv_DD1 - convergence code for likelihood optimization for first set of initial values; conv = 0 means convergence
$lambda_DD2 - initial speciation rate estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$mu_DD2 - extinction rate estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$K_DD2 - clade-wide carrying-capacity estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$LL_DD2 - maximum likelihood estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$conv_DD2 - convergence code for likelihood optimization for second set of initial values; conv = 0 means convergence
$LR - likelihood ratio between DD and CR


p-value of the test


Likelihood ratio at the signifiance level alpha


power of the test for significance level alpha


The output is a list with 3 elements:


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2016. Meth. Ecol. Evol. 7: 1092-1099, doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12565
- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See also


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman