Likelihood for DAMOCLES model
Computes likelihood for the presence-absence data of species in a local community for a given phylogeny of species in the region.
pchoice = 0,
edgeTList = NULL,
methode = "analytical",
model = 0,
Mlist = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
cond = 0
- phy
phylogeny in phylo format
- pa
presence-absence table with the first column the species labels and the second column the presence (1) or absence (0) of the species
- pars
Vector of model parameters:
corresponds to mu (extinction rate in local community)pars[2]
corresponds to gamma_0 in formula gamma(t) = gamma_0/(1 + gamma_1 * t) where gamma(t) is immigration rate into local community)pars[3]
corresponds to gamma_1 in formula gamma(t) = gamma_0/(1 + gamma_1 * t) where gamma(t) is immigration rate into local community)- pchoice
sets the p-value to optimize:
pchoice == 0 corresponds to the sum of p_0f + p_1f
pchoice == 1 corresponds to p_0f
pchoice == 2 corresponds to p_1f- edgeTList
list of edge lengths that need to be succesively pruned; if not specified, it will computed using compute_edgeTList
- methode
method used to solve the ODE. Either 'analytical' for the analytical solution, 'Matrix' for matrix exponentiation using package Matrix or 'expm' using package 'expm' or any of the numerical solvers, used in deSolve, or any of the solvers used in odeint (preceded by 'odeint'), e.g. 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54', 'odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78', 'odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5', 'odeint::runge_kutta_bulirsch_stoer'
- model
model used. Default is 0 (standard null model). Other options are 1 (binary traits) 2 (trinary environmental trait) or 3 (diversity-dependent colonization - beta version)
- Mlist
list of M matrices that can be specified when methode = 'analytical'. If set at NULL (default) and methode = 'analytical', Mlist will be computed.
- verbose
Whether intermediate output should be printed. Default is FALSE.
- cond
Whether likelihood should be conditioned on non-empty community. Default is no conditioning.
Pigot, A.L. & R.S. Etienne (2015). A new dynamic null model for phylogenetic community structure. Ecology Letters 18: 153-163.
phy = ape::rcoal(100)
pars = c(0.5,0.1,0.1)
pa = rbinom(100,c(0,1),0.5)
pa = matrix(c(phy$tip.label,pa),nrow = length(phy$tip.label),ncol = 2)
# - without a root edge
loglik = DAMOCLES_loglik(phy,pa,pars)
#> [1] -171.0041
# - with a root edge
phy$root.edge = 2
loglik = DAMOCLES_loglik(phy,pa,pars)
#> [1] -171.3912